Courses for the study programs Civil Engineering and Real Estate Engineering and Management
A principle of building physics says: Good heat protection is also good moisture protection. This also applies vice versa: in order to achieve good heat protection, there must be a functioning moisture protection. These fields of building physics are closely related to each other and are already an object in teaching of the basic lecture "Building Physics". In the “Applied Building Physics” bachelor's module, students can complete their knowledge with practical examples. In addition to theoretical considerations, the course “Heat Protection” in the master’s degree also inform about legal regulations and issues relating to the renovation of buildings. At the same time, the master course "Moisture Protection" provides profound special knowledge about all types of effects of moisture in building constructions.
- Basic laws of heat transfer
- heat conduction, heat convection, heat radiation
- Energy Balances
- Thermal behavior of rooms and exterior components
- Energy saving potentials
- Transient heat transfer
- Thermal bridges
- Humidity-related basic terms
- Moisture Transport
- Avoidance of surface condensation water
- Glaser method
- Basic lighting technology terms
- Daylight quotient
- Practical requirements
- Goals of fire protection
- Fire course ETK
- Classification of building materials and components
- Acoustic basics
- Room acoustics
- Air and footfall sound insulation
- Acoustic phenomena
- Road Traffic Noise
- Installation noises
- Climate-friendly building
- Urban energy balance and emissions
- Building Aerodynamics
Sound insulation and sound propagation in buildings and in urban outdoor spaces is the key component of the course Acoustics. The focus is on people in their acoustic environment. This includes the sound generation, propagation and perception of sound. Based on the fundamentals of acoustics, the application in the fields of building acoustics (sound insulation in buildings), room acoustics (acoustic design of rooms) and sound immission protection (noise reduction, prevention of noise propagation) is deepened. Further acoustic topics are treated in the modules Fundamentals of Technical Acoustics, Building Renovation, Introduction to Building Physics, Measurement Technology and Applied Building Physics.
Bau- und Raumakustik - Room- and Building Acoustics
- Acoustic basics
- Sound transmission in buildings
- Mechanisms of air and footfall sound insulation
- Ways of flanking transmission
- Structure-borne sound insulation and damping
- Requirements for structural sound insulation (standards, guidelines, regulations)
- Radiation behaviour of components
- Statistical energy analysis
- Installation noises
- Design of components
- Measurement and evaluation methods
- Errors in planning and execution
- Room acoustic phenomena
- Mechanisms of sound absorption
- Room acoustic design
Lärm und Lärmbekämpfung - Noise and Noise Protection
- Basics (sizes, terms and definitions)
- Anatomy of the ear
- Frequency weighting of noises
- Physical, psychological and social effects of noise
- Type and behavior of noise sources
- Limit and guide values
- Ways and influences of sound propagation
- Sound shielding by natural and artificial obstacles
- Active and passive noise protection measures
- Relevant calculation and measurement methods and their evaluation
- Noise costs
- Noise protection law
A principle of building physics says: Good heat protection is also good moisture protection. This also applies vice versa: in order to achieve good heat protection, there must be a functioning moisture protection. These fields of building physics are closely related to each other and are already an object in teaching of the basic lecture "Building Physics". In the “Applied Building Physics” bachelor's module, students can complete their knowledge with practical examples. In addition to theoretical considerations, the course “Heat Protection” in the master’s degree also inform about legal regulations and issues relating to the renovation of buildings. At the same time, the master course "Moisture Protection" provides profound special knowledge about all types of effects of moisture in building constructions.
Wärmeschutz und Energieeinsparung - Thermal Insulation and Energy efficiency
- Thermal insulation and energy efficiency
- Introduction Thermal Bridges
- Structural thermal insulation
- Constructional and heating measures to reduce energy consumption of buildings and heating-related emissions
- Low-energy and zero heating energy house
- Energy Balance
- EPBD (Energy Performance of Buildings Directive)
- Energy pass
- Principles and limits for minimizing transmission and ventilation heat losses
- Methods of using solar energy
- Heat recovery
- Summer thermal insulation according to DIN 18599
Altbausanierung - Refurbishment of old Buildings
- Getting to know the building stock
- Typical construction methods
- Building typologies
- Tools and measuring methods for stocktaking
- Analysis of existing buildings
- Weak points, damages and defects
- Contaminated sites and hazardous substances
- Renovation measures (energetic, acoustic, humidity)
- Nationwide support programs
- Requirements and retrofitting obligations of the EnEV 2014
- Consideration of thermal bridges
- Energy calculation with ZUB Helena Ultra
Fire protection includes all measures to achieve the protection goals of the model building code. This means that the development of a fire, its spread and smoke must be prevented. In addition, the rescue of people and animals as well as effective extinguishing work must be possible in the event of a fire. From this point of view, any building structure must be constructed or altered, regardless of its use. Within the scope of the lecture, topics ranging from the basics for fire protection planning and combustion to standards, guidelines or building regulations to complex methods of fire and evacuation simulation are taught and deepened by means of exercises.
Baulicher Brandschutz - Structural Fire Protection
- Chemical-physical processes in combustion and heat transport
- Fire origin, fire spread and fire effect
- Preventive structural fire protection
- Building law
- Goals of fire protection
- Classification of building materials and components
- Fire protection concept development
- Design of escape routes
- Fire protection requirements for special buildings
- Organizational fire protection
- Smoke and heat exhaust systems
- Systems for fire water retention
Technischer Brandschutz - Tecnical Fire Protection
- Building material and component testing
- Defensive fire protection
- Plant fire protection
- Functionality and dimensioning of automatic fire alarm systems
- Functionality and dimensioning of automatic fire extinguishing systems
- Application of engineering methods
- Fundamentals of fire simulation using CFD models using FDS as an example
- Basics of the evacuation calculation
Licht und Raum - Light and Indoor Climate
- Basics of lighting technology
- Photometry
- Artificial lighting technology (lamps, luminaires, control gear)
- Planning basics
- Daylight technology
- Interior and facade design
- Integration of artificial lighting systems
- Calculation methods (light simulation methods for artificial and daylight)
- Evaluation procedure (glare and energy)
Raumklima - Indoor Climate
- Room climate, introduction and physiological basics
- Thermal comfort, basics and comfort diagrams
- Heat balance equation, convective and radiation component, draught
- Climate sum sizes, equivalent and operative temperature
- Fanger, climate evaluation scale, PMV and PPD
- Thermal comfort models, alternatives to the Fanger model
- Indoor air quality, introduction, composition atmosphere, CO2, dust
- Volatile organic compounds (VOC) and radon
- Odours, Weber-Fechner Law
- Fragrances, composition, application areas, hazard potential
- Fanger, comfort equation for air quality, units Olf and Dezipol
- Natural ventilation of rooms
A principle of building physics says: Good heat protection is also good moisture protection. This also applies vice versa: in order to achieve good heat protection, there must be a functioning moisture protection. These fields of building physics are closely related to each other and are already an object in teaching of the basic lecture "Building Physics". In the “Applied Building Physics” bachelor's module, students can complete their knowledge with practical examples. In addition to theoretical considerations, the course “Heat Protection” in the master’s degree also inform about legal regulations and issues relating to the renovation of buildings. At the same time, the master course "Moisture Protection" provides profound special knowledge about all types of effects of moisture in building constructions.
Baulicher Feuchteschutz - Structural Moisture Protection
- Basic terms and definitions of moisture protection
- Air humidity, fabric moisture
- Balance room air humidity
- Moisture production and moisture removal
- Ventilation and ventilation systems
- Determination procedure of the characteristic values
- Transport phenomena and condensation
- Design requirements
- Mechanisms of moisture transfer
- Moisture transition
- Boundary conditions
- Numerical calculation methods
- Condensation on component surfaces
- Condensation inside components
- Simplified climate conditions according to DIN 4108-3
- Comparison Diffusion and Convection
- Introduction Mould formation and prevention
- Application examples
- Condensation due to insufficient or inadequate ventilation
- (Driving) rain protection
- Joints
- Airtightness, windproofness
- Planning and execution of roofs
- Truss restoration
- Calculations on the influence of the vapour barrier
- Moisture-adaptive vapour barrier
- Microorganisms on component surfaces
- Characteristics of algae and molds
- Growth conditions of molds
- Health hazard due to mold fungus
- Building physical causes for molds in living spaces
- Prediction models
- Microorganisms on facades
- Dew point underruns on facades
- Influence of the construction method and alignment
- Novel approaches
Hygrothermische Bauteilmodellierung - Hygrothermal Component Modeling
- Hygrothermal transport and transition phenomena
- Fundamentals of hygrothermal modeling
- Definition of reasonable climate conditions
- Discretization of the component structures and the corresponding computation time increments
- Result representation of transient multidimensional transport phenomena
- Evaluation of the calculation results and their analysis and assessment
The less we succeed in protecting the climate, the more effort is required to protect ourselves from the climate. Especially urban areas are vulnerable to climate change, but also offer enormous potential for climate protection and adaptation. In three courses, IABP focuses on optimizing the building design to enhance human well-being, as well as its physical background and effects. The courses on climate and cultural responsive building, urban building physics, and climate adaptation measures in exterior and interior spaces highlight the already noticeable and predicted consequences of global warming, as well as structural solutions for climate protection and climate adaptation.
Stadtbauphysik - Urban Building Physics
- Meteorological basics
- Basics of building physics and comfort
- Climatic characteristics in cities
- Aspects of urban building physics
- Influences of building development on the temperature and humidity in cities
- Influences of building development on air flow conditions in cities
- Urban emissions: Noise, air pollutants, light and electromagnetic radiation
- Basicsof the simulation tool ENVI-met
Klimagerechtes Bauen - Climate Responsive Building
- Goals and basic principles of climate-friendly construction
- Vernacular building designs in different climatic regions
- Relevant climate data
- Constructive climate-friendly design of vernacular and contemporary buildings
- Biogenic building materials
- Basics of the simulation tool WuFi-Plus
Kulturgerechtes Bauen - Culture Responsive Building
- Definitions of culture
- Architecture of European Cultures
- Models for culture classification
The less we succeed in protecting the climate, the more effort is required to protect ourselves from the climate. Especially urban areas are vulnerable to climate change, but also offer enormous potential for climate protection and adaptation. In three courses, IABP focuses on optimizing the building design to enhance human well-being, as well as its physical background and effects. The courses on climate and cultural responsive building, urban building physics, and climate adaptation measures in exterior and interior spaces highlight the already noticeable and predicted consequences of global warming, as well as structural solutions for climate protection and climate adaptation.
- Meteorological basics
- Basics of building physics and indoor climate
- Basics of climate change and spatial planning & seminar work objectives
- Basics of ENVI-met and WUFI Plus
- Climate adaptation measures in outdoor spaces
- Climate adaptation measures indoors
- Practical examples & summary
- Noise
- Measurement of sound propagation on roads
- Noise mapping
- Simulation of noise propagation
- Heat and humidity
- Thermography in civil engineering
- Measurement of surface temperatures
- Simulation of the temperature profile and moisture content of building components
- Simulation of thermal bridges
- Room climate
- Measurement of room climatic parameters
- Simulation of the indoor climate
- Building Acoustics
- Calculation of the sound insulation dimension
- Measurement of sound insulation
- Room acoustics
- Measurement of the reverberation time and other room acoustic parameters using the room impulse response
- Measurement and calculation of sound propagation in a room
- Reverberation time calculation
Einführung in die Ganzheitliche Bilanzierung - Introduction to Life Cycle Management
- Introduction to life cycle analysis and overview based on defined problems
- Definition of sustainability and placing the life cycle assessment in the context of sustainability
- Introduction to the method of life cycle assessment according to DIN ISO 14040:2006 and 14044:2006
- Problems of simplified models of life cycle assessment
- Application and applicability of the method of life cycle assessment and life cycle management
- Technical, ecological and economic parameters within the life cycle management
Anwendung der Ganzheitlichen Bilanzierung - Application of Life Cycle Management
- Introduction to the extended application / new LCA topics, such as
- Social Life Cycle Assessment
- LandUse
- Biodiversity
- Insight into the concepts of Design for Environment
- Insight into current studies to deepen the theoretical understanding and application fields of life cycle
- Assessments
- Implementation of the method using the software system GaBi 4
- Application to identify and evaluate weaknesses and the potential for improvement throughout the entire life cycle
Nachhaltigkeit - Sustainability
- Definition and basic concepts of sustainability
- Regenerative Systems
- Existing certification systems and standards
- Methodological principles of certification
- Individual aspects of sustainability
University public lectures on current topics in building physics.
For further informations go to Bauphysikalisches Kolloquium.
A principle of building physics says: Good heat protection is also good moisture protection. This also applies vice versa: in order to achieve good heat protection, there must be a functioning moisture protection. These fields of building physics are closely related to each other and are already an object in teaching of the basic lecture "Building Physics". In the “Applied Building Physics” bachelor's module, students can complete their knowledge with practical examples. In addition to theoretical considerations, the course “Heat Protection” in the master’s degree also inform about legal regulations and issues relating to the renovation of buildings. At the same time, the master course "Moisture Protection" provides profound special knowledge about all types of effects of moisture in building constructions.
Konstruktive und Technische Bauphysik - Constructional and technical building physics
- Constructional and technical building physics
- Stationary and transient thermal and hygric behaviour of components
- Acoustic behaviour of components
- Interaction of building physics phenomena
- Examples for constructional details in existing and new buildings
- Areas of focuses on the construction of exterior walls, windows, roofs, building components in contact with the
- ground, ceilings, stairs and interior walls
- Heating Technology
- Use of renewable energy
- Heat recovery
- Geothermal energy
- Ventilation technology
- Air-conditioning technology
- natural and artificial lighting
- Installation noises
Bauphysikalischer Diskurs - Building Physics discourse
- Application from/in practice
- Innovations and prospects as well as new materials/components/finishes
- Weak points and sources of error during execution
Knowledge of building physics is essential in the design, planning and construction of buildings. In a wide range of courses offered by IABP, one can gain knowledge on the topics of heat and energy-efficiency, protection against noise and moisture, indoor climate and comfort, daylighting and artificial lighting design, as well as climate change and its structural adaptations. Complementary to this, the module “introduction to Building Physics Measurements” provides the know-how about the basics and application of building physical measurement technologies. Students learn how to independently record and assess heat, moisture, light and sound parameters with the help of modern measurement technology to understand in a fundamental way building physical processes.
- The course teaches the basics of building physics measurement technology. It shows boundary conditions, application limits, error interpretations and their weak points.
- The focus of the course is the development of a functional measurement chain in the areas of acoustics, heat, humidity and light.
- Introductory basics:
- Structure of a measurement chain
- Measuring accuracy / reproducibility
- Varying the boundary conditions
- Evaluation and display of the measurement results
- Interpretation of the results
- The following is measured:
- Air temperature
- Surface Temperatures
- Heat radiation (thermography)
- Relative air humidity
- Air velocity
- Sound level (noise level of different noise sources, A-weighting)
- Reverberation time
- Illuminance
The course teaches basics of scientific thinking and working, as well as efficient work organization in the later building physics practice, as well as information transfer and processing with subsequent discussion. The main focus of this course is the creation of a technical presentation, taking into account not only technical contents, but also the interaction with the individual and visual realization in front of an auditorium. Furthermore, in a subsequent discussion, not only the technical but also the rhetorical skills, as well as the use of media and the ability to accept criticism are discussed, worked out and practiced. An essential part of the event is the recording of the respective presentation on video with subsequent evaluation and self-reflection of the person giving the presentation.
Preparation of a presentation:
- Obtaining information
- Outline
- Content and selection
- Presentation of technical contents/visualizations
- Presentation technology and media
- Manuscript and handouts
At the presentation:
- Dealing with stage fright
- Language
- Voice
- Body Language
- Difficult situations
- Dealing with/in a technical discussion (discussion rules)
Following the presentation:
- Self-reflection
- External evaluation (written & oral)
- Dealing/expression of criticism (feedback rules)
Based on exercises in the form of short lectures, a complete presentation analysis is then carried out by fellow students in cooperation with the lecturer.
Courses offered in other study programs
Sound insulation and sound propagation in buildings and in urban outdoor spaces is the key component of the course Acoustics. The focus is on people in their acoustic environment. This includes the sound generation, propagation and perception of sound. Based on the fundamentals of acoustics, the application in the fields of building acoustics (sound insulation in buildings), room acoustics (acoustic design of rooms) and sound immission protection (noise reduction, prevention of noise propagation) is deepened. Further acoustic topics are treated in the modules Fundamentals of Technical Acoustics, Building Renovation, Introduction to Building Physics, Measurement Technology and Applied Building Physics.
- Sound field quantities - basic quantities (airborne and structure-borne sound), levels, complex and spectral representation
- Sound sources - basic types, radiation, wave types, flow-induced sound sources
- Sound fields - sound reflection, absorption and diffraction, duct and room acoustics, sound attenuation and insulation
- Influencing sound fields - sound absorbers, silencers, sound absorbing elements, active systems
- Measurement and analysis of sound fields - sensors and actuators, signal processing, determination of sound power, sound measurement in flows
- Perception and effects of sound - terms and quantities, evaluation of sound, sound effects, psychoacoustics and sound design
- Technical noise sources - parameters and their determination, types and designs, ways of noise reduction
- Acoustic treatment of technical systems - methodology, standards and limits, examples